Due to the way California property taxes are assessed, it’s necessary for our schools to supplement funding to ensure students receive the exceptional and well-rounded education for which LASD strives.  Federal & state funds directly provided to the Los Altos School District (LASD) are supplemented by community fundraising through the Covington (PTA) AND the Los Altos Educational Foundation (LAEF). For example, a school library is funded in all three ways. LASD provides the building, electricity, etc; LAEF funds the Librarian; and the PTA supplies the books, furniture, etc. Learn more on the LASD website or by watching this video

Support Covington by completing the following steps.

Step 1 - Support Covington PTA

Please visit Covington’s Support Page to learn more about how your donation supports our school!

Step 2 - Donate to LAEF (Los Altos Educational Foundation)

Your donation to LAEF ensures a well-rounded learning experience for all TK-8 students by funding teachers and essential programs for Wellness, Innovation, Library, and Arts & Humanities at Covington. 

Step 3 - Learn More about Supporting Covington

Support Covington in other ways. Visit our Volunteer Opportunities page to see how you can help!

Your 2024-25 representatives are happy to answer any questions:

PTA President - Kathy Lyon -

LAEF Representatives - Brandon Kam, Shivanjali Srivastava:

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